
Hand and Upper Extremity Worksheet

Injury/Condition Symptoms/Characteristics/OT assessments OT interventions e.g. ROM/Exercises/Edema control/Tendon gliding etc Potential Splints Contraindications Picture
Adhesive tendonitis Restricted passive shoulder range of motion; AKA frozen shoulder PROM, modalities, encourage active use, pain management (modalities)
Ape Hand People who cannot move the thumb away from the rest of the hand. It is an inability to abduct the thumb. High median nerve injury at the elbow or proximal forearm. Sensory loss in index, middle, and radial side of finger; loss of pinch, thumb pposition, index finger MCP and PIP flexion; and decreased pronation.
Arthritis A form of joint disorder that involves inflammation of one or more joints. Two types: OA and RA. With a resting splint address the natural aging process of skin and adipose tissue. Use soft straps and thick padding. Functional splint or safe splints, depending on stage
Avulsion injuries Tendon separates from the bone and its insertion and removes bone material with the tendon. (i.e.., mallet finger, boutonniere deformity, swan neck deformity)
Bennet’s fracture Fracture of the first metacarpal base Orthotics are used for immobilization as needed. ROM is begun early, within 1 week if medically cleared. A sling is used for type 1 fractures or comfort if the client has pain and is nervous in public places.
Burns A type of injury to flesh or skin caused by heat, electricity, chemicals, friction, or radiation. Burns that affect only the superficial skin are known as superficial or first-degree burns (i.e. sunburn). When damage penetrates into some of the underlying layers, it is a partialthickness or second-degree burn. In a full-thickness or thirddegree burn, the injury extends to all layers of the skin. A fourthdegree burn additionally involves injury to deeper tissues, such as muscle or bone. Superficial, partial
thickness burns: wound
care and debridement,
sterile whirlpool, dressing
changes, gentle A/PROM
to individual’s tolerance,
edema control, splinting if
necessary, ADL’s and
role activities. Deep
partical thickness burns:
wound care and
debridement, sterile
whilpool, dressing
changes, gentle A/PROM
to individual tolerance,
edema control, splinting if
necessary, ADL’s and
role activities, and
strengthing (when
wounds are healed).
Airplane splints. Heal
in anatomical position

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