facebook Tutoring for the NBCOT® Exam (OT) - Pass The OT

Meet Our Tutors

Tutoring Reviews

We typically see our students increase their scores by an average of
6 points
per session

All our tutors are seasoned clinical practitioners equipped to help you master the material you struggle with. They can review all your quiz scores, answers, and assessments in our program. They will help you:

  • Understand complex study material
  • Enhance your critical thinking skills
  • Improve your weak areas that prevent you from passing
  • Teach you how to choose the correct answer when two answers seem correct
  • Help you manage your test-taking anxiety
  • Advise you on the best time to take your exam
  • Reduce your overall study time
  • Increase your confidence so that you’re prepared to pass

Special Features:

  • Schedule the most convenient time and the tutor of your choice via our online booking system.
  • Use our “Tutor Match” to chose the best tutor for your needs.
  • All tutoring session are held via phone or Zoom (your choice)
  • Payment Plans ( ask our chat about availability )

We recommend that you aim for a minimum score of 455 on your next attempt. That will provide you with a little safety zone so that you do not end up with a 448 or 449.

Add Private Tutoring Sessions to My Program

Single Session Price: $119
Total Price: $119
Purchase 1 Private Tutoring Session

Get a 10% discount for each additional private tutoring session purchased.

# of sections Price per session Total price
1 $69 $69
2 $60 $129
3 $54 $183
4 $49 $232
5 $42 $274
6 $38 $312
7 $34 $346
8 $30 $377
9 $27 $404
10 $24 $427

Recommended tutors

Module 1 Tutors Subject Areas PACE AVAILABILITY
OT Process & Intervention Ethics Frames of Refernce/Models Research
Dr. Kate ( OTR®/L ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Dr. Tucker ( OTR®/L ) Slow PM, Weekends
Jessica ( OTR®/L ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Katherine ( OTR®/L, CNS ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Angela ( OTR®/L ) Fast PM, Weekends
Jordan ( OTR®/L ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Dr . Landis ( OTR®/L , LSTV BIG ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Module 2 Tutors Subject Areas PACE AVAILABILITY
Pediatric Reflexes & Development Pediatric Conditions & Interventions IEP & School
Jessica ( OTR®/L ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Dr. Kate ( OTR®/L ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Katherine ( OTR®/L, CNS ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Megan ( OTR®/L ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Module 3 Tutors Subject Areas PACE AVAILABILITY
Upper Limbs Conditions Splinting Physical Agent Modalities (PAMS) COPD & CHF and MET Levels
Cory ( OTR®/L, CHT ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Jessica ( OTR®/L ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Erika ( OTR®/L, CHT ) Moderate AM, PM
Dr. Tucker ( OTR®/L ) Slow PM, Weekends
Dr . Landis ( OTR®/L , LSTV BIG ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Jordan ( OTR®/L ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Dr. Landis ( OTR®/L , LSTV BIG ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Katherine ( OTR®/L, CNS ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Megan ( OTR®/L ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Angela ( OTR®/L ) Fast PM, Weekends
Module 4 Tutors Subject Areas PACE AVAILABILITY
SCI TBI & Rancho Levels Medical conditions Ortho- Hip & knee replacements Burns Amputations & Prosthesis Vision
Jessica ( OTR®/L ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Megan ( OTR®/L ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Cory ( OTR®/L, CHT ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Katherine ( OTR®/L, CNS ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Dr. Kate ( OTR®/L ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Dr. Tucker ( OTR®/L ) Slow PM, Weekends
Dr. Landis ( OTR®/L , LSTV BIG ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Arielle ( OTR®/L ) Moderate Weekends
Angela ( OTR®/L ) Fast PM, Weekends
Module 5 Tutors Subject Areas PACE AVAILABILITY
Neurological Conditions & Interventions Motor & Sensorimotor Approaches Swallowing & Dysphagia Wheelchair and building standards
Jessica ( OTR®/L ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Arielle ( OTR®/L ) Moderate Weekends
Cory ( OTR®/L, CHT ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Erika ( OTR®/L, CHT ) Moderate AM, PM
Dr. Kate ( OTR®/L ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Katherine ( OTR®/L, CNS ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Megan ( OTR®/L ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Dr. Tucker ( OTR®/L ) Slow PM, Weekends
Angela ( OTR®/L ) Fast PM, Weekends
Jordan ( OTR®/L ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Dr . Landis ( OTR®/L , LSTV BIG ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Module 6 Subject Areas PACE AVAILABILITY
Mental Health Dementia & ACL Groups
Erika ( OTR®/L, CHT ) Moderate AM, PM
Jessica ( OTR®/L ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Dr. Kate ( OTR®/L ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Dr. Tucker ( OTR®/L ) Slow PM, Weekends
Katherine ( OTR®/L, CNS ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Cory ( OTR®/L, CHT ) Moderate AM, PM, Weekends
Dr . Landis ( OTR®/L , LSTV BIG ) Moderate PM, Weekends
Angela ( OTR®/L ) Fast PM, Weekends