
Development at 0-3 Months “Bobbing Headed Billy” … who accidentally rolls to side

Reflexes Motor Psychosocial / Play
Rooting – birth to 3 months
Galant – birth to 3 months
Suck-Swallow – birth to 6 months
Traction – birth to 6 months
Moro – birth to 6 months
ATNR – birth to 6 months
Palmar – birth to 6 months
Tonic Labyrinthine Supine & Prone – birth to 6 months
Plantar Grasp – birth to 9 monthsLandau – 3 months to 2 years
Labyrinthine Optical Head Righting – Birth to persists
● Involuntary releasing skills
● Asymmetric movements
o Head movement, side to side; tuck chin (lift and sustain at midline); bear weight on forearms but unable to shift from side to side
o Turns head side to side
o Must be held in sitting position but able to maintain head stabilization; rounded back
o Able to bear some weight when held in standing
o Accidentally rolls prone to side; rolls from supine to side
Erikson- basic trust vs mistrust
o Infant realizes that survival, comfort will be met
Piaget- sensorimotor
o Learns about cause/effect as a result of reflexive motor patterns that are repeated for enjoyment
Exploratory play
o Explores objects and people
o Engages in play
o Develops body scheme
o SI motor skills develop

Development at 4-6 Months “Wide Legged Wendy” …who prop sits and rolls over

Reflexes Motor Psychosocial / Play / Cognition / Feeding
Suck-Swallow – birth to 6 months
Traction – birth to 6 months
Moro – birth to 6 months
ATNR – birth to 6 months
Palmar – birth to 6 months
Tonic Labyrinthine Supine & Prone – birth to 6 months
Plantar Grasp – 28 wks gestation to 9 months
Landau – 3 months to 2 years
STNR – 6 months to 12 months
Neck/Body Righting on Body – 6 months to 5 years
Downward Parachute (protective / downward) – 4 months, persists
Forward Parachute (protective / forward) – 6 months, persists
Prone Tilting – 5 months, persists
Labyrinthine Optical Head Righting – Birth, persists
o Shifts weight on forearms; bears weight and shifts weight on extended arms; equilibrium reactions are present; airplane posturing
o Increased head control (lifts head up indep); demos head lad when pulled up from sit position; has hands together in space and predominantly open; reaches for toys unilaterally and sometimes bilaterally; brings foot to mouth
o Supports self in sitting momentarily and then uses arm support to increase / in back; at 6 months, get to sitting position from prone
o Increased ability to bear weight on legs; legs are held apart and turned outward; at 6 months, pulls to standing position from furniture
o Rolls from prone to supine; at 6 months, rolls segmentally with initiation from head
Erikson – basic trust vs mistrust
Piaget – sensorimotor
o Voluntary movement patterns emerge
o Coordination of vision and both hands
o Further awareness of cause and effect
Exploratory play
o Explores objects and people
o Engages in play
o Develops body scheme
● Plays with caregiver during meals and engages in interactive routines
5-7 months : takes cereal or poured baby food from spoon
o Has good head stability and emerging sitting abilities; reaches and grasps toys; explores and tolerates various textures
6-8 months : attempts to hold bottle but may not retrieve it if it falls; needs to be monitored for safety reasons
o Object permanence is emerging and infant anticipates spoon or bottle
o Is easily distracted by stimuli in environment

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