facebook Eight Week Study Schedule at a Glance - Pass The OT

Eight Week Study Schedule at a Glance

Week Topics Study Material
One Introduction to PTOT web course

1. OT process and Intervention
2. Frame of Reference/Approaches
3. Code of Ethics / Principles and Standards of Conduct
4. Research and Stats
5. Safety First
6. Documentation
7. CEU’s
8. The Americans with Disabilities Act
9. Roles of an OTR®, COTA® and OT Aide
10. Domains in OT
11. OT Settings
12. Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs)
13. Payment for OT Services

• Welcome audio
• How to use our course
• Excellent Test Taking Tips
• Getting Close to the Exam Date
• Roles of an OTR®, COTA® and OT Aide
• OT process and Intervention
• Prevention Stages
• Code of Ethics / Principles and Standards of Conduct
• Frame of Reference
• Bottom-vs-top-approach
• CEU’s
• OT Settings
• The OT Practitioner’s Role in Work Programs
• Documentation
• Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs)
• Patient-Driven Payment Model
• Payment for OT Services
• The Americans with Disabilities Act
• Domains OTR®/COTA®
• Research and Stats (OTs only)
• Module 1 Audios and Videos
• Take Module 1 Quizzes
• Work with a Pass the OT Tutor
Two 1. Pediatric Development
2. Pediatric Reflexes
3. Feeding
4. Pediatric Assessments
5. Pediatric Conditions and Interventions
6. Cerebral Palsy
7. Sensory Integration
8. Handwriting
9. IEP and other Laws
• Development Chart
• Childhood Occupations and Milestones
• Basic Developmental Chart (newborn-18 months)
• Mastering Functional Skills
• Reflexes and Postural Reactions
• Basic Oral Motor & Self-Feeding Skills
• Feeding- Introduction to Solids
• Strategies for the Fussy Eater
• Pediatric Assessments
• Pediatric Diagnoses and Treatment Approaches
• Down Syndrome
• Spina Bifida
• Hearing Loss
• Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder
• Cerebral Palsy Interventions
• Muscle Tone
• Dysphagia- Focus on CP
• Vestibular System vs Proprioception
• Sensory Integration
• Necessary Skills for Handwriting
• Pencil Grasps for Handwriting
• Individualized Education Programs
• Part B IDEA: Process for Children and Youth (Ages 3-21)
• Part C IDEA: Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities
• Section-504-Rehabilitation-Act
• Module 2  Audios and Videos
• Take Module 2 Quizzes
• Work with a Pass the OT tutor
Three 1. Upper Extremities
2. Neuropathies
3. Splinting
4. Assessments
5. Physical agent modalities (PAM’S)
6. Chronic Heart Failure (CHF)/Met Levels
7. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
• Muscle Chart Upper Extremities
• Upper-extremity (Organized according to type of condition)
• Hands & Upper Extremities
• Grasp Patterns
• Neuropathies
• Splints
• Strategies for splinting
• Physical Agent Modalities (PAM’S)
• Manual Muscle Testing Grading
• Range-of-motion
• Tests – Jebsen-Taylor Function & Semmes Weinstein Monofilament
• MET Levels and Cardiac Rehab
• FIM Quick Reference Guide
• Vital Signs
• Hemoglobin
• Module 3 Audios and Videos
• Take Module 3 Quizzes
• Work with a Pass the OT Tutor
Four 1. Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
2. Traumatic brain injury and Rancho Levels
3. Neurobehavioral Manifestations & Neurological-treatment-approaches
4. Vision Interventions
5. Amputation and Prosthesis
6. Hip, knee, and back
7. Burns
8. Aging-in-place
9. Medical Conditions
10. Pressure Ulcer
11. Addressing Sexuality in Occupational Therapy
• SCI Terminology & ASIA Impairment Scale
• SCI Chart
• Focus on High Level (SCI C1-3)
• SCI Sequelae
• Traumatic Brain Injury
• The Glasgow Coma Scale
• Rancho Los Amigos Cognitive Functioning
• Neurobehavioral Manifestations
• Neurological-treatment-approaches
• Vision and Visual Perception
• Amputation and Prosthesis
• Hip, knee, and back
• Burns
• Pressure Ulcer
• Medical Conditions
• Addressing Sexuality in Occupational Therapy
• Aging-in-place
• Module 4 Audios and Videos
• Take Module 4 Quizzes
• Work with a Pass the OT Tutor
Five 1. Neurodegenerative Disorders.
2. Motor control and approaches
3. Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
4. Apraxia
5. Parkinson’s Disease
6. Huntington’s Disease
7. Swallowing and Dysphagia
8. Driver’s Rehab
9. Vocational Rehab
10. Building Standards
11. Adaptive Equipment and Assistive Technology
12. Wheelchair Mobility
• Neurodegenerative Disorders
• Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
• Parkinson’s Disease
• Huntington’s Disease
• Motor Control
• Motor Control Approaches
• Swallowing and Dysphagia
• Apraxia Sheet
• Wheelchair Components
• Wheelchair Cushions
• Assistive-technology for Wheelchair Users
• Building Standards
• Adaptive eating utensils accessories
• Assistive technology
• Mechanical Lift
• Driver Rehabilitation
• Work Evaluation and Interventions
• Medical Terminology
• Meal-Preparation Progression
• Module 5 Audios and Videos
• Take Module 5 Quizzes
• Work with a Pass the OT Tutor
Six 1. Psychosocial Conditions & Interventions
2. Symptoms and Challenges associated with Mental Health Diagnoses
3. Assessments used in Mental Health
4. Handling patients with difficult behavior
5. Psychiatric Medication
6. Stages of Group Development
7. Types of Groups
8. Group Dynamics
9. Dementia and Alzheimer’s disease & Reisberg scale
10. Allen’s Cognitive Level (ACL)
11. Reality Orientation and Validation Therapy
• Mental Health Terminology
• Mental Health Terms and Intervention Models
• Mental Health Diagnoses
• Symptoms and Challenges associated with Mental Health Diagnoses Part 1
• Symptoms and Challenges associated with Mental Health Diagnoses Part 2
• Psychosocial Assessments
• Cognitive and Perceptual Assessments
• Tips for handling patients
• Common Side-effects of Psychiatric Medication
• Dementia
• Alzheimer’s disease and Reisberg scale
• ACL Screen Assessment
• Allen Cognitive Levels
• Reality Orientation and Validation Therapy
• 6 Types of Activity Groups
• 5 Types of Developmental Groups
• Group Dynamics- Facilitation and Leadership
• 5 Stages of Group Development/Team Building
• 4 Stages of Group Therapy
• Module 6 Audios and Videos
• Take Module 6 Quizzes
• Work with a Pass the OT Tutor
Seven Overall Review of Topics from previous weeks. • Pass the OT 500 Flash Cards
• Filter Quizzes by Category
• Work with a Pass the OT Tutor
Eight Overall Review of Topics from previous weeks. Final Timed Exam


Module 1


Introduction to PTOT web course
Occupational Therapy Process and NBCOT® Rules and Regulations

Module 1

  • How to use our course
  • OT Settings and the Occupational Therapy Practitioner’s Role in Work Programs
  • Excellent test taking tips
  • Roles of an Occupational Therapist, Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant and Aide
  • OT Process and the 4 levels of Intervention
  • Code of Ethics/Principles and Standards of Conduct
  • Frame of Reference and Models
  • Frame of Reference Theory Comparison
  • CEU’s 
  • Bottom-vs-top-approach
  • Payment for Occupational Therapy Services
  • Prevention Stages
  • The Americans with Disabilities Act
  • Instrumental Activities of Daily Living (IADLs)
  • Clinical Simulations (OT only)
  •  Domains OT
  • Research and Statistical Terminology (OT only)
  • Documentation

Module 2


Module 2

  • Development Chart
  • Hearing Loss
  • Child Development Videos
  • Attention-Deficit/ Hyperactivity Disorder
  • Childhood Occupations and Milestones
  • Sensory Integration
  • Reflex Chart
  • Vestibular System vs Proprioception
  • Feeding
  • Pencil Grasps and Handwriting
  • Mastering Functional Skills
  • Pediatric Assessments
  • Pediatric Diagnoses
  • Individualized Education Programs (IEP)
  • Cerebral Palsy Interventions
  • Section-504-Rehabilitation-Act
  • Spina Bifida
  • Part B IDEA: Process for Children and Youth (Ages 3-21)
  • Down Syndrome
  • Part C IDEA: Infants and Toddlers with Disabilities

Module 3

Musculoskeletal Conditions & Interventions of the Upper Extremity
Physical agent modalities (PAMs)
Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
Chronic Heart Failure (CHF) and Met Levels
Functional Independence Measure

Module 3

  • Upper-extremity (Organized according to type of condition)
  • Neuropathies
  • Hands & Upper Extremities (Organized alphabetically)
  • Splinting
  • Range-of-motion
  • Muscle Chart Upper Extremities (No need to memorize info)
  • Manual Muscle Testing 
  • Vital Signs
  • Jebsen-Taylor Function & Semmes Weinstein Monofilament Testing
  • COPD
  • Physical Agent Modalities (PAM’S)
  • MET Levels and Cardiac Rehab

Module 4

Spinal Cord Injury (SCI)
Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Rancho Los Amigos Levels
Vision Interventions and Visual Perception
Hip and Knee Replacements
Pressure Ulcers
Aging in Place and other Diseases
Addressing Sexuality in Occupational Therapy

Module 4

  • SCI Chart
  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI) and Rancho Los Amigos Levels
  • SCI Terminology & ASIA Impairment Scale
  • Neurological-treatment-approaches
  • SCI Sequelae
  • Vision and Visual Perception
  • Medical Conditions
  • Adaptive eating utensils accessories
  • Burns
  • Hip, knee, and back
  • Amputation and Prosthesis
  • Addressing Sexuality in Occupational Therapy
  • Pressure Ulcer
  • Aging-in-place

Module 5

Neurodegenerative Disorders
Motor Control and Approaches
Swallowing and Dysphagia
Driver’s Rehab
Vocational Rehab
Adaptive Equipment and Assistive Technology
Wheelchair Mobility
Building Standards

Module 5

  • Neurodegenerative Disorders
  • Adaptive eating utensils accessories
  • Motor Control and Motor Control Approaches
  • Assistive Technology
  • Cerebrovascular Accident (CVA)
  • Mechanical Lift
  • Parkinson’s Disease
  • Building Standards
  • Huntington’s Disease
  • Work Evaluation and Interventions
  • Swallowing and Dysphagia
  • Driver Rehabilitation
  • Apraxia 
  • Medical Terminology
  • Wheelchair 
  • Meal-Progression Preparation

Module 6

Psychosocial Conditions and Interventions
Groups and Group Dynamics
Dementia and Allen Cognitive Levels (ACL)

Module 6

  • Mental Health Diagnoses
  • Mental Health Diagnoses and Behaviors 
  • Symptoms and Challenges associated with Mental Health Diagnoses (Part 1 and 2)
  • Mental Health Terms
  • Mental Health Terminology
  • Types of Groups
  • Dementia 
  • Stages of Group Development
  • Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Common Side-effects of Psychiatric Medication
  • Reisberg Scale
  • Psychosocial Assessments
  • Allen Cognitive Levels
  • Cognitive and Perceptual Assessments

Module 7

Overall review of topics from previous weeks.

Module 7

Pass the OT 500-_Flash_cards