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Cognitive and Perceptual Impairment


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Assessment of Motor and Process Skills Arnadottir OT Neurobehavioral Evaluation Allen Cognitive Level Test Rivermead Perceptual Assessment Battery Rivermead Behavioral Memory Test Behavioral Inattention Test Lowenstein OT Cognitive Assessment
Purpose: to examine functional competence in 2 or 3 familiar and chosen BADL or IADL tasks

Method: individual chooses activities to perform from a list of over 60 standardized tasks; therapists observes and documents the motor and process skills that interfere with task performance (16 motor and 20 process skills are scored for each task performed; skills are scored from 1= deficit to 4= competent)

Population: 3 years of age and older, regardless of diagnosis; appropriate for those living with a variety of cognitive and perceptual impairments

Purpose: used to detect underlying neurobehavioral dysfunction

Method: structured observations of BADL and mobility skills; system of error analysis is used to document underlying performance components that have an impact on daily living tasks; scored on a functional independence scale (0= unable to 4= independent) and neurobehavioral specific impairment scale (0= no impairment observed to 4= unable to perform due to dysfunction)

Population: adult population presenting with cognitive/perceptual (neurobehavioral) deficits

Purpose: screening tool to estimate an individual’s cognitive level

Method: person performs 3 leather lacing stitches progressing in complexity

Population: populations with psychiatric disorders, acquired brain injuries, and/or dementia

Purpose: to detect cognitive and perceptual impairments

Method: 16 performance tests that assess form and color constancy, object completion, figure-ground, body image, inattention, and spatial awareness; utilizes deficit-specific tasks in isolation from ADL tasks

Population: 16 years and older who are experiencing visual-perceptual deficits after head injury or stroke

Purpose: offers an initial evaluation of memory function, indicates appropriate treatment areas, and monitors memory skills

Method: contains 11 categories with 9 subtests (each presented with a series of items that the person is required to memorize and recall later in the assessment); scoring is from 0-9= severely impaired memory to 22-24= normal

Population: persons with memory dysfunction

Purpose: examines presence of neglect and its impact on functional task performance

Method: 9 activity based subtests and 6 paper/pen subtests

Population: adults presenting with unilateral neglect

Purpose: measures basic cognitive functions that are prerequisite for managing everyday tasks

Method: 20 subjects in 5 areas: orientation, visual, spatial perception, visualmotor organization, thinking operations; scored from 1= low ability to 4= high ability

Population: persons who have experienced a stroke, TBI, or tumor