Achieving goals on your own is a huge accomplishment. However, sometimes it requires motivation from others in order to succeed. Sharing your progress and being held accountable has shown to be an effective strategy towards accomplishing goals. This is especially true when it comes to passing a test. In order to pass a test, it is clear you must prepare by dedicating time to study. The NBCOT® exam is comprehensive. It requires the ability to apply your knowledge and clinical decision making across several practice areas. This exam requires weeks or even months of preparation in order to pass, and to be eligible to become a licensed and registered occupational therapist.
Due to the complexity of the NBCOT® exam, many graduates seek out other individuals to help them understand the material more clearly. Studying with a partner or in a group has many benefits. A partner can help you stay accountable for studying and prevent procrastination. Studying for the NBCOT® exam involves extended time, commitment and concentration. With an accountability partner, you can work together to set daily or weekly goals and check up on one another. If one of you begins to lose motivation, the other can help push you to stay committed. One of the keys to passing this exam is to maintain focus. Therefore, using accountability as a study strategy creates motivation and helps you to stay on track. (more…)