Take a look at our study topic overviews designed to help you to crush the NBCOT® Exam

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Check out our module study topic overviews for your reference, including foundational concepts like the OT process, OTPF–4 framework, therapeutic use of self, safety protocols, OT settings, payment models, telehealth, documentation, and strategies to prevent professional burnout.

Check out our module study topic overviews for your reference, including key areas like developmental charts and milestones, pediatric reflexes, feeding strategies, sensory integration, handwriting skills, pediatric conditions and interventions, IEPs and laws, NICU care, and trauma-responsive occupational therapy.

Check out our module study topic overviews for your reference, covering essential topics like upper extremity conditions, grasp patterns, splinting strategies, neuropathies, physical agent modalities (PAMs), key assessments, and guidelines for chronic conditions like CHF and COPD.

Check out our module study topic overviews for your reference, including spinal cord injuries (SCI), traumatic brain injuries, neurobehavioral manifestations, vision interventions, amputations, prosthetics, burns, aging-in-place, and the OT role in managing medical conditions like pressure ulcers and pain.

Check out our module study topic overviews for your reference, covering neurodegenerative disorders, motor control approaches, vocational rehabilitation, driver rehabilitation, adaptive equipment and assistive technology, wheelchair mobility, and essential topics like swallowing, dysphagia, and medical terminology.

Check out our module study topic overviews for your reference, including mental health terminology, psychosocial conditions and interventions, group dynamics, dementia and Alzheimer’s care, Allen’s Cognitive Levels, and therapeutic approaches like reality orientation and validation therapy.

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