Mental Health Diagnoses – Study Topic Overview

In this overview

Mental health diagnoses

Mental health disorders can significantly impact one’s daily life and functioning. Understanding the symptoms, challenges, and potential treatments is crucial for mental health professionals, especially those preparing for the NBCOT® exam.

Understanding Mental Disorders: A Comprehensive List

Anxiety Disorders (Generalized Anxiety Disorder)

Anxiety disorders are characterized by symptoms like tension, nervousness, and panic attacks. Patients may feel overwhelming dread and fear. Treatment often involves:

  • Talk therapy to uncover root causes
  • Medication to manage symptoms
  • Alternative therapies like yoga and meditation

An OT should monitor for increased anxiety symptoms and provide necessary support.

Borderline Personality Disorder

Characterized by destructive behaviors and emotional instability, Borderline Personality Disorder requires careful management. Treatment often involves:

  • Talk therapy and anger management
  • Support to address feelings of abandonment

OTs should help patients feel connected and included.


Dementia involves memory loss and personality changes. While some symptoms are not treatable, creating a supportive environment is crucial. Strategies include:

  • Adapting the home for safety
  • Providing education and support for caregivers

Patience and a hopeful approach are key.

Common Mental Health Issues and Their Management


Denial is a natural response to difficult situations but can impede treatment. Overcoming denial involves:

  • Helping patients face reality while maintaining hope
  • Providing education on coping mechanisms

OTs must address denial supportively and directly.

Depression (Mood Disorder)

Depression presents as prolonged sadness and hopelessness. Treatment may include:

  • Lifestyle changes to improve mental health
  • Talk therapy and medications

Monitoring for depression symptoms and acting quickly is important.

Mental Disorders List: Understanding Various Conditions

Eating Disorders

Eating disorders like Anorexia and Bulimia involve abnormal eating habits and can lead to serious health complications. Treatment focuses on:

  • Immediate medical care for physical health
  • Individual and group therapy

OTs play a crucial role in supporting patients with these challenges.

Intellectual Disability

Previously referred to as Mental Retardation, intellectual disabilities involve difficulties in reasoning and self-care. Management includes:

  • Special education and life skills training
  • Focus on improving quality of life

OTs teach essential skills like cooking and social interaction.

Mania (Mood Disorder)

Mania involves risky behaviors and a sense of invincibility. Management typically includes:

  • Medications and psychotherapy
  • Establishing a well-organized routine

OTs should watch for manic episodes and offer strategies to manage them.

Types of Mental Disorders and Their Treatments

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD)

OCD involves irrational worries and compulsive behaviors. Treatment might include:

  • Cognitive behavioral therapy
  • Support groups

Recognizing and managing OCD symptoms early is key to mental health.

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

PTSD results from traumatic experiences, leading to intense anxiety and fear. Treatment includes:

  • Therapy focused on understanding trauma
  • Support groups

OTs play a role in identifying triggers and helping patients establish healthy routines.

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What are common symptoms of anxiety disorders?

Anxiety disorders often manifest as tension, nervousness, and panic attacks. Individuals may experience overwhelming dread and fear.

Management of Borderline Personality Disorder involves talk therapy, anger management, and support to address feelings of abandonment. Occupational therapists should help patients feel connected and included.

Overcoming denial involves helping patients face reality while maintaining hope, and providing education on coping mechanisms. Occupational therapists must address denial supportively and directly.

Treatment for OCD typically involves cognitive behavioral therapy and participation in support groups to manage irrational worries and compulsive behaviors effectively.

PTSD management includes therapy focused on understanding trauma and support groups that help individuals identify triggers, establish healthy routines, and reduce intense anxiety and fear.

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