Drawing from our extensive experience assisting students who have faced challenges passing the NBCOT® exam, we’ve pinpointed common mistakes made by those who haven’t succeeded, despite utilizing various study resources including AOTA() study prep, NBCOT® study pack, Therapy Ed, the Purple Book, True Learn, OT Help Desk, and the 450 Formula.

We’ve identified the biggest obstacles preventing students from achieving their goal of becoming licensed OT/OTAs:

1. Overwhelmed by study material:

Our program starts with a timed 100- or 200-question assessment test, based on your preference. After completing the exam, you can review all your answers along with detailed explanations. Additionally, you will receive a color-coded assessment that corresponds to the 28 essential study topics on the NBCOT® exam. This assessment will show you where to find relevant material in our eight study modules.

(Our color-coded assessment for our 200-question timed assessment test)

2. Lack of focus:

In our study material, we highlight the most essential study topics that most often appear on the NBCOT® exam, ensuring you focus on what matters most.

3. Poor comprehension of the study material:

At Pass the OT, we meticulously curate our material to cover topics commonly tested in the NBCOT® exam. Our content is structured into eight modules consisting of clear, easy-to-understand charts with text-to-speech, proprietary videos on many key topics, and interactive games to enhance comprehension and retention.

Neurological Conditions Study Chart (Module 5)

4. Mismatched learning style:

Students with ADHD, learning disabilities, or those who speak English as a second language often struggle with typical study tools, especially if there is a lot of reading required. Pass the OT provides a variety of resources including videos, audio, highlighted study charts with audio playback, and over 134 hours of prerecorded group calls. We also provide accommodation quizzes so that those with accommodations can properly prepare for their exam.

5. Memorization over understanding:

While certain information, such as age norms, requires memorization, understanding the material is crucial. Pass the OT facilitates comprehension through multimodal learning materials. Passing the exam entails more than just possessing knowledge; it requires understanding question prompts and applying clinical reasoning to arrive at correct answers. Many students find that our weekly live group tutoring Zoom calls can be quite beneficial in helping them grasp challenging concepts, acquire question-dissecting strategies, reinforce areas they previously struggled with, and discover new ways to understand the material. During these group tutoring calls our members are also allowed to ask questions relating to the topic of the call during the last 30 min of the call. All the group calls are also recorded so that you can listen to them in case you miss it at a time that is convenient for you.

6. Having blind spots and not thoroughly understanding complex material

Even after spending hours studying study charts, reviewing practice quizzes, watching videos, and attending a group tutoring call, there are certain subjects like neurological conditions, frames of reference, splinting, pediatric development, and group dynamics often cause many students problems.Working with a Pass the OT private tutor can help you understand complex study material, enhance your critical thinking skills
teach you practical strategies to dissect any question, help you manage your test-taking anxiety, advise you on the best time to take your exam, increase your confidence so that you’re prepared to pass, and teach you how to choose the correct answer when two answers seem correct.

You can even schedule the most convenient time and the tutor of your choice via our online booking system as well as use our “Tutor Match” to find the most appropriate tutor for your needs.

7. Misleading test scores:

Unlike other study preps that do not allow students to review their incorrect answers which often send them spinning in circles, we not only allow you to review all your incorrect, correct, and unanswered questions at any time but also show you how your results on our final exam will correlate to your actual exam.

(Sample of 100-question overall assessment in our introduction)

8. Underestimating the costs of not passing

Many OT and OTA students don’t realize that the financial implications of not passing the exam can easily equate to over $10,000 per attempt( $1100 in testing fees, at least two months of not earning a salary, and additional study time).This financial loss doesn’t cover the emotional toll, self-doubt, and decreased confidence that can lead to worse test scores if students don’t receive the proper help.

9. Repeating failed methods:

Doing the same thing and hoping for a different result often leads to poor future performance. Being adequately prepared with a proven system is a better strategy for passing the NBCOT® exam.
The Pass the OT program is unparalleled, and we’re confident you’ll succeed on your exam by leveraging all our resources. To underscore our faith in our program, we will provide our program at no cost until you pass as long as you have used our program for a minimum of 8 weeks. Additionally, if for some reason you don’t pass after using our program, we will provide you a $40 discount for a private tutoring session so that you can get the support that you need.

We at Pass the OT are disheartened to see so many students fail the NBCOT® exam due to poor guidance and inadequate study materials.

To help eliminate this unnecessary hardship, we are now offering access to our Interactive Study Prep Course for the NBCOT® Exam.-the same dynamic program that has significantly boosted the overall passing rates for over 60 of our OT and OTA program director partners.

Now, you can get an annual subscription for $249 or opt for weekly access at just $19.99 per week, with the flexibility to cancel anytime. You can even unlock access with a 7 5 day Risk-Free Trial.

Comparison with other Prep Courses

Pass the OT compared to other study prep for the NBCOT® Exam.

Features Avaliable Therapy ED AOTA® Online True Learn NBCOT® Study Pack OT Help Desk
Live chat VIP Reccomendations:
Understand Content Better
Get the next optimal study step
Get the next optimal study step
Get private tutoring suggestions
2900+ Questions
Group Tutoring
Private Tutoring
Timed Quizzes
Audio Recording & Videos
Highlighted study charts with audio playback
Payment Plans
Review Wrong Answers
Customized Study Plans
Clear Rational
Quick Sorting
Mobile App

Once you have our program for a total of eight weeks, you will have unlimited access to our program at no cost until you pass the NBCOT exam. Furthermore, we will provide you with a 25% discount on a private tutoring session if for some reason you don’t pass.