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  • Having blind spots in their understanding of the material
  • Being overwhelmed by too much study material and not knowing the proper material to study
  • Relying on study material test scores that don’t actually reflect true performance on the exam
  • Not being organized and focused in their studying
  • Using study material that does not fit best to their learning style
  • Trying to memorize questions/answers instead of understanding the clinical applications behind the questions,
  • Doing the same thing as before and hoping for different result
  • Not recognizing the actual costs of not passing
Nearly 1 out of 3 students fail the NBCOT® Exam
The Actual Costs of not passing one time
Testing Fees $550 (per test)
Minimum Lost Job Opportunity: $8,000
Lost Work Time from Studying: ($100 per day at minimum wage job) $3000
Total estimated costs from not passing once: $11,550

Because we have helped so many students who could not pass, many who have exhausted all the other study preps including AOTA® Online, NBCOT® Aspire, Therapy Ed, the Purple Book, we know the biggest mistakes students constantly make when they don’t pass.